Wednesday, 30 December 2009

renovations, renovations, renovations

After accepting my award for the most neglected blog in the world I, like many other bloggers, resolving to try and post more thoughts in 2010.

Our main project this year is going to be updating and renovating our victorian terraced house. Some work has already been done which was exciting. One of the bedrooms contained a kitchen - a legacy of a large family living here previously.

It contained exciting things such as a 40 year old boiler and a central light which used to be able to be adjusted in height but this mechanism was broken and it was at perfect forehead whacking height.

Our lovely builder Guy and his sidekick Yanni were fantastic and hoovered up at the end of each day. There was alot of dust and dirt as the room needed re plastered and the ceiling replaced due to an undetected leak from the attic.

A large brick fireplace was plastered over. It looked like a very strange pizza oven! The room feels so much more spacious without it and is now a proper studio space for littlechook. The photo shows the old layout but after the Christmas rush I haven't had time to tidy up or take any 'after pics' as yet.

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