Tuesday, 30 September 2008

new etsy purchases

well finding some cash in my paypal account was nice after a little flurry of etsy and ebay sales so of course this was burning a hole in my virtual pocket so I decided to buy some supplies and also a little treat for myself.

I bought magnet backing which are used in the back of a badge instead of a pin and hey presto you have a button sized magnet. We've had fun making some vintage fabric magnets which are residing on our lovely fridge at the moment.

The seller , kungfucowgirl.etsy.com also very kindly sent me two fantastic Obama 2008 badges plus some stickers and a picture of a punk hedgehog. The little lady was transfixed by both the stickers and the hedgehog and spent hours playing with them. The simple pleasures of toddlers!

She also loves the kungfucowgirls logo sticker which we cut off the envelope - The little lady declared that the baby fairies live under the mushrooms. Then we made shortbread biscuits. It's all good in the world of littlechook!

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