Featured in today's sunday times style section in their studio/house in selkirk are two designers whose company is caleed Queen and Belle. I know the scottish borders well as I studied textiles at the Scottish College of Textiles in Galashiels. At the time I thought the Borders were really boring and there were literally no decent shops although I hear Gala now has a macdonalds and a multi screen cinema.
Maybe the isolation is good though as you are not bombarded with information and are not constantly comparing your work with what you see in the shops. However I used to always feel my heart leap when I got to Edinburgh. To be honest I am not sure I could live in such a small town ever again....
Anyway Queene and Belle were previously designers for Pringle and are based in Selkirk and create beautiful fashion and accessories using scottish cashmere combined with vintage lace, buttons etc from a wing of a house called The Haining. The interior has the vintagey, lived in look that I really love.
It is interesting to read about a company in the textile industry in scotland that is actually doing well since the industry has shrunk to virtually nothing these days which is a real shame. I always wonder where all the talented graduates of scottish art, fashion and design courses end up?
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